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Arena Arcanum is a trading card game I am in the process of developing. It's gone through several iterations, rulesets, and even card layouts. I currently make everything myself from the weapons on the card art, to game mechanics, and playtest materials. I hope one day to be able to have the game produced on a worldwide scale, but for now it's just a passion project that I've been working on and off on for over two years now. The goals of the game are simple, break your opponent's armor and land the finishing blow!
Card Back
This card back is a design meant to evoke the image of a Magic Rune. The Arena Arcanum logo, specifically the mirroring of the stylized "A" creates the feeling of a glowing rune, something shimmering with power. The background, while mostly monochromatic, has been accented with a smattering of stars, the game's symbols for Magic; the gold accent also helps to create a feeling of power and regality, as well as to evoke the feeling of a well fitted and filigreed piece of armor. The whole composition comes together to create one image in the players mind: A well made, decorated item imbued with magic and power.
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